Saturday, October 17, 2009

An American in Paris

Kennedy, aka Cheysuli's Tri To Remember, was awarded BIS at the French Corgi National in Paris today. Yaaay for Taija and Kennedy! 8-) I'm so proud!


-Carol- said...

Yahoooo!!! Way to go Kennedy and Taija! When do you suppose your feet will touch ground again, Jennifer?

dreameyce said...

I can't wait for pics! WOO HOO! Congrats to you as the breeder. Awesome work! I can't wait to see his kids on the ground in the USA after next year *G*

Jennifer Roberson said...

I'm not sure when I'll be walking again instead of floating! 8-) And so great that he was owner-handled. And her's already got three girlfriends lined up over here, and now the judge at the French National wants to breed to him. Now THAT is a compliment! 8-]

Holly said...

You should be VERY PROUD - he is so deserving! Congratulations!

Jennifer Roberson said...

He is safely back home now. I guess he just had a wonderful time meeting all the tourists. Wagged the whole time. And when they stopped for water at a cafe, the woman at the next table over gave him Evian as she didn't think tap water was good enough for him!